Artist's Profile:
"Sou pintor autodidacta nascido a 18/12/48, na cidade do Porto. Fiz algumas exposições na Bélgica e várias em Portugal. Artista plástico na empresa MC-Artes. Utilizo todas as técnicas de desenho e pintura."
"I'm a self-taught painter born on 18/12/48, in the city of Oporto. I count with a few exhibitions of my artworks in Belgium and several in Portugal. I have my business as Artist in the company MC-Arts and use all the techniques of drawing and painting. "
Country of Residence: Portugal, Vila do Conde
Contact: Join me at my external art website: or: Send a message to make an offer to purchase, or to inquire or leave feedback about my artworks, by filling in the Contact Form below:
Two oil paintings based on the Artist Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (Pintura a óleo baseada no pintor Bartolomé Esteban Murillo)
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