In this area we are happy to make the announcement of the art events we have been informed about.
Should you want to be acquainted with art exhibitions and related activities with the participation of our Members, please click here: /members-in-focus
En esta área del sitio web, nos encanta anunciar los eventos artísticos de que hemos tomado conocimiento.
Si deseas conocer las exposiciones de arte y actividades con ellas relacionadas con la participación de nuestros Miembros, por favor clica aquí: /miembros-en-foco
Nesta área do website, temos o gosto de anunciar os eventos artísticos de que tomámos conhecimento.
Se deseja conhecer as exposições de arte e actividades com elas relacionadas com a participação dos nossos Membros, por favor clique aqui: /membros-em-foco
Click on the chosen image to make it larger
Clica sobre la imagen elegida para hacerla más grande
Clique sobre a imagem escolhida para a tornar maior
XI Certamen Nacional de Pintura Rapida " URCELA" - Uclés ( Cuenca) -15 Agosto 2023
De Marimar Martinez Bermejo, Asociacion Cultural UrcelaNos, hemos recibido esta maravillosa noticia que es para nosotros un enorme gusto publicar en esta página.
Así os informamos de las bases del XI Certamen Nacional de Pintura Rápida " URCELA" que se celebrará el próximo dia 15 de Agosto 2023 en Uclés ( Cuenca, España). Aquí les adjuntamos el enlace donde pueden Uds encontrar las bases del concurso en el blog :
Si necesitan mas información no duden en contactar la Asociacion Cultural UrcelaNos por correo o por teléfono. E-mail: Teléfono: 652148531 - 607849726
Saludos ys os agradecemos todo vuestro interés.
8 / 12 March 2023
Registrations are open until the 24 February 2023 - Contact:
TRENTO ART FESTIVAL is dedicated to the Italian and international art scene.
With the official patronage of the CAI Club Alpine Italian.
The project was born in 2020, as an international circuit for the promotion and dissemination of artistic creation, developed with eco-sustainable principles.
The guest country of honor for the next edition is Spain.
The Festival is made up of four main sections: Main Section, Trento Art Prize, Open Section, and the Reload section with projects from previous editions.
New for 2023 is a special section dedicated to NFTs.
Admission is reserved for contemporary art projects; preferably unpublished.
An inclusive cultural project, for which the following are invited to participate: galleries, associations, artists' collectives, foundations, art awards, art residencies, online platforms, non-profit spaces, and individual professional artists.
Registration is open
We welcome art galleries, alternative spaces, platforms, groups, and individual artists to submit their proposals to participate in the next edition of the Festival.
Le iscrizioni sono aperte Diamo il benvenuto a gallerie d'arte, spazi alternativi, piattaforme, gruppi e singoli artisti a presentare le loro proposte per partecipare alla prossima edizione del Festival.
UFOFABRIK Contemporary Art Gallery
ART BASEL WEEK 14-18 June 2022 "A voyage in contemporary art: collect artworks and new experiences through new sensations"
The collections are built and formed in the course of months and years as a life. It is not just to collect contemporary art. But of moments, and emotions that will become part of our memories. For this reason, our art trips focus on visiting big and emerging art fairs. Places to talk about projects and ideas for contemporary art.
Get to know new galleries, artists, and new friends.
(these are the words of Mauro Defrancesco, Art Director)
For information and appointments in Basel: - +39 345 7583777
Algumas das EXPOSIÇÕES mais actuais no Norte de Portugal, com belíssimos trabalhos de vários artistas entre os quais os nossos Membros, Mendes da Costa Belmiro, Lina Santos e António Dias, os quais nos deram a conhecer estes eventos. Obrigada.
A todos os participantes desejamos o maior sucesso e damos os parabéns pelas obras expostas.
TRENTO ART FESTIVAL 2 / 6 March 2022
An open and inclusive project REGISTRATION IS OPEN FOR THE 2022 EDITION Registrations are open for the second edition of the TRENTO ART FESTIVAL. Digital edition to be held exclusively online. The first digital native contemporary art festival in Italy, dedicated to operators of the Italian and international art scene. TRENTO ART FESTIVAL - With the official patronage of the Municipality of Trento. In 2021 with the official patronage of the Autonomous Region of Trentino-Alto Adige / Südtirol, Autonomous Province of Trento and of the CAI Club Alpine Italian, there were 122 participating artists, with over 500 artworks online in an exhibition of 20,000 virtual square meters. The guest country of honour for the 2022 edition is Portugal. An ecological, simple and innovative project for the European scene. For information on how to send applications: